In this story, we will walk through the ancient streets of Kyiv - Borychiv Uzviz and Borychiv Strum, and at the same time we will talk about the area and events related to it.More
The unique footage of Kyiv in the 1920s takes us to distant days, the beginning of a new, communist life in Kyiv. The beginning of the film is a gradual movement from winter to spring.More
The legendary river of Kyiv, which is partially underground. I explored the Lybid from its source to the mouth where it flows into the Dnipro. What lives in dungeons?More
Rare footage will show the city of Kyiv as it was 60 years ago! Kievans, green Kyiv and goodwill - all this you will see on the old frames of this film. More
Pleasant memories that are captured in the author's work of three documentary videos are mounted in a general nostalgic spirit, which was able to maintain a very carefree and joyful atmosphere of KyivMore
Friends, enjoy watching! To your attention a video about, in fact, deaf villages that are located within the boundaries of Kyiv near the international airport. More
And today in the very center of the city there are hills that civilization stubbornly bypasses. I decided to make a video about their history and modernity. More