In Kyiv, the police detained a man who attacked a passerby with an ax. It turned out that in his apartment he opened all the gas burners and went "for a walk" around the capital.
The police reported the suspicion to the deputy director of the utility company, which caused damage of more than a million hryvnias to the budget of the capital on the reconstruction of the pedestrian alley of Andreevsky Descent.
Law enforcement officers handed over a report on corruption to the Military Committee of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support of one of Kyiv's districts. It is noted that the official violated the requirements of the anti-corruption..
According to the investigation, the organized group included servicemen and employees of the military unit, who conspired with private entrepreneurs and sold part of the products intended for the soldiers in shops, restaurants and bazaars.
В Киевской области, в городе Борисполь, 40-летний мужчина изнасиловал 16-летнюю девушку. Он пришел в гости к старшей сестре жертвы, а когда та вышла по делам, насильник напал на несовершеннолетнюю.
В результате стрельбы пострадал капот и лобовое стекло авто. После совершенного преступления оружие – автомат Калашникова – оставили под колесами транспорта. Также полиция нашла использованные гильзы.